Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So Pluto is no longer a planet because it doesn't clear objects out of it's path...?

and goes through Neptune's orbit. But why is Neptune still a planet if it's got Pluto going through it's orbit?So Pluto is no longer a planet because it doesn't clear objects out of it's path...?
The interpretation of ';cleared the neighborhood around its orbit'; as it applies to the IAU resolution is poorly defined. Pluto and Neptune are in a resonance s.t. Neptune is far away as Pluto approaches perihelion. ';Clearing'; is a non-issue in this instance.

(In fact, Pluto gets closer to Uranus than it ever does to Neptune!)

The reason Neptune is still a planet is that it is explicitly called out. Read footnote 1 to resolution 5A in the source link.

Now, chances are there are other KBOs still out there near Pluto, and by this standard Pluto's orbit is not cleared, however I don't think this is any more empirical than perhaps some modeling of evolution of the kuiper belt. Give it time though, and I bet some non-resonant Pluto crossing objects will be identified.So Pluto is no longer a planet because it doesn't clear objects out of it's path...?
Because it is larger than Pluto and has a gravitational force better than Pluto
That is the ostensible reason given for its demotion into a second division of Dwarf Planets from the Premier League of Planets,. But there is more to this than meets the eye.

The basic problem Pluto has and had from the outset is that it is smaller than 7 moons in the Solar System: Ganymede, Io, Europa and Callisto (the 4 Gallilean moons of Jupiter) Titan (Saturn's largest moon) Triton (Neptune's largest moon) and our own Moon, all of which were discovered before Pluto.

Heirarchical thinking that Planets ';ought'; to be bigger than Moons and ';size-ism'; prejudice doubtless played a part in the recent IAU decision, But only a minor part. Mercury is smaller than the two biggest moons, Ganymede and Titan but it didn't get downgraded, did it?

From the way some people have reacted. anyone would think the IAU were out to ';get'; poor defenceless little Pluto and the discussion is clouded by anthropomorphic sentiments as a result,

Sentimental attachment is hardly a good basis for scientific classification. The discussion is also clouded by the fact that most people seem to be blissfully unaware of the number and variety of objects we now know there to be in the Solar System and similarly unaware of the fact that we (and Ceres) have been here before, 150 years ago.

Whilst there is understandable and widespread dismay at Pluto being demoted in status, people really need to understand the reasons the IAU had to grapple with definitions and categories at this time:

(1) in 1930 we knew of just one body lying beyond the orbit of Neptune. Now we know of more than 1000

(2) we are discovering asteroids at a rate of 5000 a month

(3) we now know of 200+ extra-solar planets orbiting 170+ other stars, some of which we now know to have asteroid belts

It is conceivable the IAU may create more categories in the future in the light of more discoveries, The moment we find an extra-Solar System planet with extra-terrestrial life on it, for example, I would expect Habitable Zone Planet to be a new category and only Earth and Mars of our local 8 planets to be in it.

We already have the distinction between a terrestrial planet (the inner 4 planets) and a gas giant (the outer 4 planets) and are assessing new extra-Solar-System planets in the light of that distinction and a new category name for the informally-named ';hot Jupiters'; (i.e. large planets orbiting near to their star at less than 1 AU distance) of which we know several, may not be far away,

As science expands its knowledge, it needs more concepts and categories with which to describe and classify that knowledge, That is perfectly normal and should neither surprise nor alarm us,

Creating new categories and reclassifying known objects in the light of them has happened before: in the 19th Century when the number of planets was pruned from 11 to 7 out of concern that being consistent and admitting other, newly discovered bodies to the planetary club that were similar to the ones they chose to kick out instead would have meant the number of planets could rapidly start to escalate and mushroom out of control,

To understand what is going on now, it helps to understand what went on then,

The number of bodies in the Solar System known to astronomers has been burgeoning for a long time now, but the general public seems unaware of this, given the way people blithely talk of Ceres (discovered 1801) Charon (discovered 1978) and Xena (discovered 2003) having ';just been discovered';,

There was a similar definitions crisis in the early 19th century and again in the mid-19th Century as the number of known objects in the Solar System started to grow and grow,

By 1807 the 8 Solar System bodies known to classical astronomy (the Sun, the Earth, our Moon and the 5 classical planets known from antiquity, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) (1 star, 6 planets, 1 moon) had grown to 26. Uranus was found in 1781 making 7 planets. There were 4 Jovian moons, 7 Saturnine moons and 2 Uranian moons, 14 in all

And then there was the discovery of the first four asteroids. These were 1 Ceres on January 1, 1801, 2 Pallas on March 28, 1802, 3 Juno on September 1, 1804, and 4 Vesta on March 29, 1807,

What were astronomers to call these new objects? They weren't moons as they rotated around the Sun, so they had to be planets, didn't they? As there was, initially, no other category but moons or planets to put them in.

After 2 Pallas was discovered though, Sir William Herschel (the discoverer of Uranus) coined the term ';asteroid'; meaning ';star-like';), in 1802.

But Ceres was meantime assigned a planetary symbol, and remained listed as a planet in astronomy books and tables (along with 2 Pallas, 3 Juno and 4 Vesta) for about half a century until further asteroids were discovered.

So we now had 1 star, 11 planets and 14 Moons, the beginnings of a distinction between major and minor planets and a sense of unease as to what we would do if more asteroids were discovered as the first four were all disappointingly small in size, so did they really belong in the planetary club? (Similar doubts were expressed about Pluto, right from the outset in 1930,)

38 years pass and then in 1845 the asteroid 5 Astraea is discovered and on September 23, 1846 the planet Neptune and a mere 17 days later on October 10, 1846, Neptune's moon, Triton. (We now have 1 star, 12 Planets 15 Moons and 1 non-planetary Asteroid.)

The pace of discovery then starts to really hot up. Four more asteroids in nine months: 6 Hebe on July 1, 1847, 7 Iris on August 13, 1847, 8 Flora on October 18, 1847, and 9 Metis April 25, 1848

Then on September 16, 1848 an 8th moon of Saturn called Hyperion is discovered,

Plus a further 6 asteroids are found in just over two years: 10 Hygiea on April 12, 1849, 11 Parthenope on May 11, 1850, 12 Victoria on September 13, 1850, 13 Egeria on November 2, 1850, 14 Irene on May 19, 1851 and 15 Eunomia on July 29, 1851.

And on October 24, 1851 a 3rd and a 4th moon of Uranus: called Ariel and Umbriel were discovered.

So now we had 42 objects: 1 star 12 planets 18 moons and 11 asteroids. If the latest asteroids were all to be regarded as planets, making a total of 23 planets (and 10 Hygiea was bigger than 3 Juno, just like Xena is bigger than Pluto), it was likely to start getting silly (by 1868 the number of asteroids was to rise to 107 and Victorian schoolchildren would have needed a massive 115-word mnemonic to remember all the names).

The unease grew to a crisis, a redefinition was clearly necessary and an inevitable decision was taken to regard all 15 asteroids as a separate category from planets and Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta were kicked out of the planetary club, just like Pluto has been kicked out now.

There are some clear parallels between the situation in the 1850s and the situation now, Four under-sized runts had obtained planetary status, with seemingly more to follow as they were discovered, creating an overwhelming feeling among astronomers that the currency would be devalued if all these further objects were to then be automatically awarded planetary status. So they cried Whoa! And called a halt. And created a new category, Just like the IAU has now done,


Stars: 1

Planets: 8

Moons: over 80 known moons of the dwarf planets, asteroids and other small solar system bodies.

(The asteroid 87 Sylvia has 2 moons for example as does the Kuiper Belt Object KBO 2003 EL61.)

AND another 162 moons orbiting around planets: Mercury has none, Venus has none, Earth has 1, Mars has 2, Jupiter has 63, Saturn has 56, Uranus has 27, Neptune has 13.

Kuiper Belt Objects: over 800 (all discovered since 1992).

Trans-Neptunian Objects: over 1000 (includes the 800+ KBOs) i,e, there are 200+ in the Scattered Disk and the Oort Cloud.

Asteroids: Hundreds of thousands of asteroids have been discovered within the solar system and the present rate of discovery is about 5000 per month. As of July 23, 2006, from a total of 338,186 registered minor planets, 134,339 have orbits known well enough to be given permanent official numbers. Of these, 13,242 have official names.

Current estimates put the total number of asteroids above 1 km in diameter in the solar system to be between 1.1 and 1.9 million

So you can see

(a) why some definitions are needed and why reclassification is necessary

(b) how totally unaware of the state of scientific knowledge the general public is and how uninformed people are when they get excited at tales of ';3 new planets being discovered'; and wonder if there might perhaps be more where those came from,

Finally, these issues need to be seen in the context of the 205 extra-solar planets we now know to exist and the asteroid belts that have now been detected in some of those stellar systems,

Consistency being a desirable thing to achieve in science, whatever definitions and categories the IAU now adopt, they need to be applicable to every star with other objects in orbit around it, throughout the entire universe, That is the context in which Pluto's status is now being discussed,

SO: Pluto should not be a planet, nor should it be just another TNO or small solar system body, It has been given a status intermediate between these two extremes and that is how it should now be seen.
the international astronomical union defined three terms ';planet';, ';dwarf planet';, and ';small solar system body';. this does not change anything about the solar system or pluto. it just corrects the mistake of classifying pluto as a planet initially

i have been waiting for this since i was about twelve. i feel somewhat satisfied. this was the right thing to do, believe me. i don't understand why so many are having such a problem with this. this happened when astronomers discovered many bodies orbiting the sun between mars and jupiter in the early 1800s.

neptune doesn't really have anything to do with this. neptune and pluto never interact.

because pluto orbits the sun, is round, does not have an isolated orbit (a bunch of other similar bodies have similar orbits.), and is not a satellite it is a dwarf planet.

(1) A ';planet'; is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

(2) A ';dwarf planet'; is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, (c) has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.

(3) All other objects orbiting the Sun shall be referred to collectively as ';small solar system bodies';.

look here:


Neptune dominates Pluto's orbit - for every 3 times Neptune orbits the Sun, Pluto orbits 2 times. So Pluto's orbit would be quite different if Neptune was never there to begin with, but Neptune's orbit wouldn't be changed a bit if Pluto had never been there.

For a well written, in depth explanation of this part of the definition of ';planet'; go here: http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~mbrown/eight鈥?/a>
It is no longer a planet because it has an elliptical orbit, instead of concentric just like all of the other planets.
Neptune has the stronger orbit and is larger. Pluto is getting smaller and is the size of its moon. Personally, pluto was the best planet... look at mickey's dog... isn't he the best!!
see how easy that is

it all clear to me now



That's the duhhhhfinition so far.

The problem with that definition is that Earth shares its orbit with some 10,000 other objects and Jupiter shares its orbital path with over 100,000 other objects.

By their definition, neither Earth nor Jupiter are planets.

Not to worry. In three years they'll meet again and screw it up some more or fix the definition, whichever comes first.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

With the roads and paths treacherous due to snow, why aren't immigrants and those on benefits out clearing it?

to cold perhapsWith the roads and paths treacherous due to snow, why aren't immigrants and those on benefits out clearing it?
of course it is too cold for anyone who has moved from asia for africa

imagine digging snow in clothes best suited to hot climates.....well that is what most immigrants from asia and africa insist on wearing.....how can you dig out snow in light white cotton shirts and trousers?

in new york unemployed are given casual work clearing snow....last time i was there after a blizzard the going rate was $8With the roads and paths treacherous due to snow, why aren't immigrants and those on benefits out clearing it?
Shovelling snow can actually make it more treacherous unless you put grit down. And you can be sued if someone slips on your garden path after you have shovelled it as it then makes it your responsibility not nature's.

So they probably don't wanna get sued and are leaving the councils to do it.
Perhaps it's because the government has more common sense than you do? I know that's an oxymoron, ';common sense in the house of commons'; but there you have it. Their bureaucratic bumbling hasn't degraded to such a low as the past provincial government of Mike Harris in Canada's Ontario Provincial Legislature. At least not yet.
';A man's gift makes room for him And brings him before great men.'; - Proverbs 18:16

My experience is that one thing leads to another and yes shoveling snow could be someone's start.

Edit: A snow shoveling start could lead to a lot of interesting careers including ski instructor, ski hill groomer, and snowshoe guide. It could also lead to cleaning up the ice at NHL games and even driving the Zamboni.
If the roads and paths are treacherous, how do you propose they get there to clear them?

It is not their responsibility to clear them. The main reason is that they do not have the proper equipment to make it reasonably safe.
Because that would be called slavery...much like forcing doctors to perform services because we've classified it as a ';right';.
Why aren't you? Too lazy perhaps. That's why we need immigration.

Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?

If we had evolved as sentient horses then there would probably be little contemptuous neighing at evolution, or stamping of hoofs.

As it happens, we are primates, and our evolutionary path is complex and much disputed between experts. While there is no doubt that we evolved from an ape-like descendent almost certainly from Africa, becoming gradually bipedal and our skulls becoming more voluminous, the genus 'homo-' is not very clearly understood.

One of the problems is the lack of fossils. I read once that the complete fossil evidence of our ancestors would probably fit in the back of a pick-up truck. This is understandable because our reign has been short (as opposed to the dinosaurs, for example, that existed for over 100 million years), and only about 1 bone in a billion is ever fossilised.

Anyway, what do you think?Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?
No, I don't think so. Even without a complete evolutionary path, we do have enough to reasonably conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that we evolved, and where we evolved from.

Religious people choose not to accept evolution because their ignorant religion tells them not to. Simple as that. And no amount of evidence can change it.Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?
It's amazing we have fossils at all. Especially having near complete ones. And Christians are complaining about it not being ENOUGH? Preposterous.

Also, you can't believe in evolution. You accept it.

People who don't accept it don't do so because of missing or incomplete evidence. It's because of religious indoctrination that supposedly goes against what evolution is about.

doc, that's a funny comment. ^-^
We cannot possibly know every step of an evolutionary path,you do not need all of the fossils and in fact you will never find them all.';Homo'; is simply Human Being and you have 6.8 billion examples of them now on Earth. Evolution is simple common sense, creationism is primitive belief and unscientific
Cassie is right. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink; you can lead a fundie to science but can't make him think.
I would never ever believe that i evolved from stupid apes even if science provided evidence as clear as the day. But i can't say the very same for you.
Yes, If we knew who started the evolution process.
Maybe, but most theists would still cling to their bibles.
I think that those for whom evolution doesn't work would reject every single scrap of evidence shown to them no matter how comprehensive it may be.

Most creationists can't embrace evolution because evolution is broadly incompatible with a beliefe in God.

Which is fair enough.

In the end it shouldn't be about winning converts or undermining the belief systems of others. It should be about finding where we, ourselves, belong in terms of belief about how we got here. And granting everybody else the freedom to do their own spirituial thing in peace.

Just as long as they show the same degree of respect and don't interefere with others, of course...
It just shows that there is still no concrete scientific proof in the evolutionary sense of human comes from primate. The fact is that sometimes we wish something in order to satisfy our knowledge perception - whether it is right or wrong.

Despite years of debates of various possibilities to the answer, there is one possibility that not many scientists/biologists would like to consider: that the origin of human species never occur via the current understanding of evolution.

Maybe you would like to say that anti-evolutionism is scientifically ridicolous. But history tells us that many scientific hypothetical answers that were once considered 'heretical' are now being taken seriously.

Can the path be clearer to you?

Or do you have a good compass to guide you?Can the path be clearer to you?
I have found a steady and true compass.Can the path be clearer to you?
i have trouble finding the damn path.
I need you to clean it.
my orientation skills are low...but even so i don't use a compass...only a broom....i clear it little by little....
The path is not clear to me at all, and im trying to use my instincts and my morals as my compass and just hope i wont get lost....

In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?


In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.

Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city's largest municipal union.

Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Union, told Allentown City Council Tuesday that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing Anderson to clear a 1,000-foot walking and biking path at Kimmets Lock Park.

';We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails,'; Balzano told the council.


What are your feelings about this?In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?
**** the SEIU. Worthless bastards would try to intimidate a kid who was doing a public service. One boy spent over 200 hours of his own time. The union ';workers'; would have taken over 1000 man hours.

The citizens of Allentown should get together and volunteer to do all the work that those overpaid union pricks are doing. That would be a great way to save themselves a lot of tax money they're currently paying into that corrupt union.In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?
As all other unions which only cover less than 7% of the American work force they have entirely to much involvement in Obama's government. They are the reason the automobile industry is in trouble. They create problems instead of solving them. At one time they served a good purpose BUT they have over-stayed their good.
this is getting out of hand...we as a country need to find our way back...I am amazed that this isn't all over the news...how dare they say their going to let this one go, as if they have the right to go after a young man trying to do the right thing...these buffoons are of the same mindset as their liberal brothers and sisters who think terrorist should be treated as a victims...

always nosnod
In my opinion, the SEIU is a criminal organization and all of its officials arrested, all of its papers and assets seized. It should be tried under RICO laws.

The denial of use of volunteers is stupid, of course. But I can't help wondering how much more the city will pay to contract with outside union workers after laying off the permanent ones. Will it really save them money?
This is complete nonsense. I think it is great that the boy scout was allowed to clear the path. The union just thinks they can strong arm the city for money and that is wrong.
I didn't read the article but I'm guessing by his age he is going for eagle scout, since he did the work for free, I really don't think they have a leg to stand on.
Sure. And it should be widely publicized to show what thugs this administration is working for. Thank God for FOX news, especially Glenn Beck.
The SEIU ought to be disbanded and those thugs placed in mental institutions where their types belong! What a bunch of thugs picking on a boy scout doing a good deed!
Unions destroy everything they touch. Look at Michigan.
Unions and their lawyers CAN be despicable.
Of course.

That's what the SEIU is FOR.
unions have become a breeding place of all kinds of trash
No they should not. It would come from a feeling that they own they park, and they certainly do not. The boy scout did a service and that's just something they have to live with. For their own sake they should not pursue this possessive and arrogant action. Public unions get more slack then private workers do, but not that much.

If the union wants to focus on what is not getting done then they should say what those things are, so that people know what the cost of the layoffs are.

With out even looking, I can see three faults with the Allentown City Council.

1) They depend on revenues other then land taxes. Land taxes are not only more stable but they also help to make the real-estate bubbles smaller. The sales tax base has caused them to have to foolishly whipsaw their labor force.

2) Layoffs during a recession are especially stupid, since it makes the recession deeper.

3) The sure sign of the coming recession was the great rise in land values. The extra monies coming in during that period should have gone to a rainy day fund, so that the damage of layoffs could be avoided.
  • thinning hair
  • Is it possible for Star Trek XI to continue in XIII, clearing a path for a TNG finale film in Star Trek XII?

    It's what the fans want.

    Signatures at the end!

    Nemesis basically gave TNG fans a big middle finger.

    Picard walking down a corridor on a wrecked Enterprise, smiling. The End.

    Shouldn't Paramount give Picard and Riker an Enterprise/Titan wrap-up movie?! Use Q!!!

    Bring Data back through B4 and even have DS9 and Voyager tie-ins, walla! there's your fan-favorite perfect Star Trek XII. If XI is so popular go back to it for XIII, in fact it might even be healthy for the franchise to alternate like that back and forth between J.J.'s ongoing ';Kid Kirk'; adventures and random assorted Star Trek tales occurring elsewhere just to keep it fresh. It's ridiculous to continue with Kirk - his time is over, Gene would want the stories moving FORWARD, probably never backward; my point is, J.J.'s franchise vision might flop or be very boring, so do any of you think there is a chance at variation here or not? Will we ever see Star Trek in the future beyond Voyager/The Next Generation era? For the FANSIs it possible for Star Trek XI to continue in XIII, clearing a path for a TNG finale film in Star Trek XII?
    Well you know they'll eventually have to skip a century ahead, and wheel out a wrinkly old 24th century cast to boost ratings!

    This back in time set back is just an ego boost to build up for a Picard finale and give Leonard Nemoy a paycheck.

    Why go straight to the good stuff when paramount can dick around and drag in a few extra million?

    While at sea or from an aircraft I have often noticed what appear to be paths of clear, unruffled water. Why?

    It could be an oil slick (minor) left by a boat. Remember the saying ';pour oil on troubled waters';While at sea or from an aircraft I have often noticed what appear to be paths of clear, unruffled water. Why?
    These are usually the result of oil, fuel, etc., left in the wake of passing ships and boats.While at sea or from an aircraft I have often noticed what appear to be paths of clear, unruffled water. Why?
    I recall the same when I was at sea; a long time ago. It seems like they were currents in the ocean, like the Gulf stream or other warmer currents. Yes, the ocean does have flowing currents!
    strong current streams under the surface

    If God wanted us to follow him why didn't he give us a clearer path?

    I mean why are there so many religions?If God wanted us to follow him why didn't he give us a clearer path?
    probably the God is Unresricted not to play to the tunes we set... the following link may seem interesting...


    luv and SAI RAM,


    http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/athmav鈥?/a>If God wanted us to follow him why didn't he give us a clearer path?
    god dont choose he guides us but it says in the bible we have free will god god puts trials in are life it r choose to do good r bad i wood advise you to go to church or read the bible yourself pray and ask god to help you ill pray for you god loves you
    Sin has messed everything up. Satan wants desperately to retain His ';God of this world'; status and will stop at nothing to keep it.
    Even if the path was a runway with flashing red lights, some people wouldn't follow him. If you are unsure, do some homework, go to different churches and see which one seems the most logical to you. Be careful, there are alot of false churches out there. Satan does not want you to find your way there. A lot of different religions just confuse. Makes it harder to find the path, under all the brush.

    God gave the gift to everyone, you have free will to say no.

    Catholicism was not the first religion. Jesus' followers were first called Christians in Acts. The disciples visited many temples and churches. The word catholic means universal. Catholics took it one step further and made Pope's, nuns, etc.
    Good question. There may be different paths to the same one truth.
    Oh this is such an honest question. I wish I could be as clear to you as crystal, so you could see. He did make a clear path. Jesus said, ';narrow is the path to life, few will be on it';. He said He was the truth, the life and the way.

    The reason there are so many other ';paths'; claiming to be right is that there is an entity called satan....who is the father of lies. His entire existence is about destroying people, doing anything he can to lead them away from the truth of Jesus Christ.

    The path is Jesus; the way to find it is through God's word, the bible. I pray that He show you that way and make your way sure.
    God wants us to choose him, follow him. He's not going to make it so that he comes to us, we go to him.
    People can reach the same destination even if they take different paths. I don't feel comfortable in every church. Others wouldn't feel comfortable in a church that I enjoy. There's something for everyone out there.
    To reflect upon the diversity of humanity.

    One religion would create more demand for conformity.

    Conformity is not God. God is as diverse and unique as the humanity he created.
    There was only one when the world bean and Adam and Eve was

    created.But when Adam and Eve sinned,the man race fell into sin.That's why we see evolution , clones, etc.!But i promise if you pray and try to stay close to the Lord ,he will guide you on this long,hard life! God Bless!!(if anyone needs more answers go to my profile and e-mail me!)
    God didn't create all these religions. Most of them are manmade. God provided us with one Church, founded by Himself 2,000 years ago, within which the path to salvation is very clear indeed.
    perhaps the path is so clear we can't see it beneath our very noses?
    lol I guarantee you will get BECAUSE THE DEVIL IS TESTING US!! lol so predictable guaranteed!
    Religions are creations of man, and not God. That's why there are so many different interpretations. My advice is to get out of any religion you may be in and do your own thinking.
    In my opinion, religion is a man made way to deal with the uncertanties of life. If I am a certain religion it's because I feel it brings me closest to God. If God had laid out a road map to heaven then there would be no such thing as faith. If there were a road map then we'd all be saved and it would be worth nothing. This way there is a CHOICE and that's what God is all about. He give us the info that we need and then the choice to follow is up to us. Come on....we all live for a little challenge now and then right :)
    The path is extremely clear. All you have to do is open your eyes and follow it.
    God gave explicit instuctions in your basic bible text. The question then becomes, do you know how to follow instructions? and if not, do you know how to ask someone
    Religions were made by man, not God. Different cultures and different people have different ways of looking at God. I believe that God has lots of names: Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Yahweh, Waken Tanka.......

    God did not give us a clear path because he will help us but wants us to do the footwork. He helps those who help themselves in many ways.
    God gave us only one very clear path. Unfortunately, because Satan does not want you to find it, he is using a cloaking device (my expression) trying to hide the path from each one of us. Then, some got discouraged and said ';I give up on God'; and so they also started telling people that no path ever existed. Others, decided they could make their own path and charge people to get on it, so they also led them away from the true path with their lies. Now we have a big mess but the true path is still there and God wants you to find it. That is why he wrote you that letter (The Bible). He tells you to search as if for great treasure. Don't give up.
    Well that's because people have such vivid imaginations.
    because there are so many different people with vivid imaginations and predisposition to superstition, the same reason people get addicted to gambling, you win a couple of times so you think hey I will win, you see something that your told is an act of god but is really a coincedence and hey presto must be god or the gods and from then on in you only need the occasional reaffirmation by the odd coincedence to stay hooked on your chosen faith. God made it hard to find Him because He wants people who really want to find Him, if you really look and you really want God then you WILL find Him, if you don't you wont.
    Choice, purification, calling... I don't know, but He didn't want us to follow the same path, else why the creation of different languages at the Tower of Babel???
    Because he wants us to approach him with faith. Besides, even if he wrote out a clear map and printed it in the sky, those who choose not to believe would come up with a thousand explanations as to why the map couldn鈥檛 be written by God.

    There will never be a map clear enough for those who refuse to turn to him in faith.
    real reason there are so many religions??? Catholicism was the first religion. Unfortunatly the prists would tell members what to believe without having proof of what they were saying. The members were not allowed to read the Bible as this was only for the priests to read. This is how they became money hungry, saying you could buy your way into heaven and such. The Bible or any book for that matter was very expensive to print becasue it was done by hand and took a very long time. Most could not afford this. when it was published and members got to read what the Bible really said, they broke off and made different religions starting with the prodestants i think. I learned all this in a History class in college.. Found it very interesting.
    He gave us a kaos and by that way he is judging us.

    I would like to move out of my house temporarily to clear my head and restart my life on a better path.?

    First timer here...

    I hate trying to explain this, but here goes nothing. My fiance and I own a home and live there with our dog and cat. Lately we have both started getting edgy and feeling blue. We spend a lot of time together because we moved to a new city (two years) ago and don't really have any acquaintances outside of work. Our time outside the house together is strained and we pretend to enjoy it. We'll spend a day hiking and both act like we've having some fun, but then as soon as we get home it's like we can't wait to get away from each other...I go upstairs, he stays down.

    I have a lot of issues with myself lately that are making me feel badly. I have gained a lot of weight and have lost my self esteem. I also miss my independence and living in a house that I can actually keep clean and enjoy.

    Anyway, I was thinking of renting a furnished house for a month to go and clear my head. I want to live there, get on an exercise plan and start eating better...without the pressure of the troubles at home. Like my own personal rehab. I stayed at the local Holiday Inn last night to try it out and loved it. I felt like I could breathe. My fiance has mixed feelings about this idea. He is (of course) afraid that I'll like my independence and not come back. On the flip side, he's also optimistic that my idea might actually work and I'll come back an improved person.

    Thoughts?I would like to move out of my house temporarily to clear my head and restart my life on a better path.?
    Personally. from life experience, I would say this is a very bad idea. You will break up, if nothing else from the insecurity this will cause.

    If you want to save your relationship take a month vacation together and get away from the rest of it, not your mate. Even a week or two.

    Cruises are good, you do not even have the pressure of picking a place to eat and there is a lot to do, including working out together.I would like to move out of my house temporarily to clear my head and restart my life on a better path.?
    When people say they are taking a break from one another for a month, that means you two are breaking up...been there.
    You can breathe better without him. You can't wait to get away from each other. He's a slob. You two have already broken up but neither one of you realizes it.

    Life is too short to be this unhappy. You need to make a clean break and just work on yourself. It's just time to move on.

    Good luck to you.

    What is a clear path foul?

    I think thats what it's called...What is a clear path foul?
    Clear Path Foul - If a fast break starts in a team鈥檚 backcourt and a defender fouls any offensive player when the team is going to score an easy basket, a clear path foul has occurred. When the foul happens or is called, no defender can be ahead of the ball where he could defend against the easy basket.What is a clear path foul?
    if the offensive player is past every defensive

    player and he is fouled hard without a chance

    for going for the ball then the defense is

    penalized with the foul and the offensive

    team gets the ball back as well.

    ifs to prevent breakaway fouls..
    A clear path foul occurs when an offensive player has a clear, unguarded, open path to the basket. This occurs mostly on fast breaks when a defensive player will commit the foul to stop the easy basket.
    usually on a fast break, when the offensive player has the ball and is ahead of everyone else and the defense fouls him from behind to stop the fast break.

    this results in 2 free throws plus ball possession for the offensive team

    to avoid this, the defensive player can try to catch the offensive player with the ball and get in front of him and then foul him. this usually happens when a big guy gets the steal and a smaller defender can outsprint the big guy and get in front of him for the foul.
    A clear path foul is when there is nobody ahead of the person who has the ball, and he is running to the basket. The foul happens when someone fouls him when he has the clear path. I believe this results in a penalty of 3 foul shots to the person who had the clear path.
    a clear path foul has the potential to be a flagrant foul. A clear path foul is (like its name), a foul when a player has a clear path to the hoop. And on a fastbreak, if a player has a clear path to the basket, and th opposing player prevents him from scoring by grabbing him in mid-air, it would be a flagrant, as long as the player as elevated off the ground, you cant grab him in the mid-air.

    Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?

    all of those kids on the high school musical movies.Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?
    They are all adults anyway!

    Report Abuse

    Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?
    Dakota Fanning
    Raven-Symone and Miley Cyrus!
    Haley Joel Osmond (the i see dead people kid)

    All of the kids that play the role of a demon possessed kid on the day time soaps.

    The little boy on Ugly Betty!!!!!
    I am still hoping Britney or Christina Aguillira pose naked in Playboy one day! Debbie Gibson and Tiffany did it so why not them!
    frankie muniz.
    Dora the Explorer
    Just wait until the kid who played Webster grows up, he will have some problems.
  • thinning hair
  • On a clear night how far away can a plane's flight path be (in terms of distance over land)?

    I often wake up late at night to see 4+ planes flying in the sky..but surely it's impossible that there are so many planes flying over my small town all the time. I have come to believe that the planes must actually be flying on a path some distance away but because the sky is clear and because they are flying so high it looks like they are right above me. So if a commercial jet is flying at 23,000ft and is at a 45 degree angle from me .. how far away (over land) is it actually away? Is it flying on a path 100km away along the coast? Or is it actually not that far away?On a clear night how far away can a plane's flight path be (in terms of distance over land)?
    At 23,000 feet, the line-of-sight distance between an aircraft and an observer on the ground (assuming flat terrain) is about 186 statute miles, and the aircraft is visible from an area of around 108,000 square miles. At this distance, though, the aircraft may not be visible to the naked eye, as even a large aircraft would visually be right at the limit of human vision (about 42 seconds of arc for a 200-foot aircraft). The distance over land would be practically the same (very slightly shorter).

    If you are looking up at an aircraft at a 45-degree angle, its distance from you over land is roughly equal to its altitude (actually just a little bit less), so if it's at 23,000 feet, it's 4.4 miles away. The curvature of the Earth is not significant at this distance.

    (I did all these calculations rather quickly but hopefully I haven't messed anything up.)On a clear night how far away can a plane's flight path be (in terms of distance over land)?
    Plans fly on routes that contain departure sequences(SID), en-route sequences, and an arrival sequence(STAR). They are probably flying on one of these routes. There can be up to 15,000 planes in the sky at one time, so when you think about it, its not unlikely a few will be over you!

    When I'm flying over the middle of nothing I wonder what people in small towns are thinking.. I guess I know now!

    Hope I helped!


    How can students have a clearer vision of the career path they want to pursue?

    Students need to learn themselves in order to know that clear path. Learning to listen to yourself and not what everyone else says has a major affect on the outcome.

    Sometimes the student needs trial and error before determining their career path. If one major doesn't feel right, maybe the next one will.How can students have a clearer vision of the career path they want to pursue?
    I think it is important to think of what you want from your entire career, not just your first job. Do you want to be a manager? Would you like to own your own business? Do you want to be the guru or expert in your field? Do you want to work only enough to get by and do other things with the rest of your time? Understanding how far you want to go will help you know how much education you will need.

    Often, the more pressing issue is trying to figure out where you should go for college, or what you should major in. I suggest giving yourself until the very beginning of your senior year in high school before committing to anything. Use the time you have before then to explore the opportunities available in all of your interests. If you can get a summer job, an internship, or even just several conversations with people in the fields you are interested in, you will gain a lot of perspective. Be sure to keep in mind the level of compensation that is realistic for jobs in your field. A good resource for this is career websites where you can search for jobs. This will also point out if your job is limited in geographic areas. If you REALLY want to live in, say, Indiana, you should know what opportunities are out there.

    Once Senior year starts, you have to pick colleges to apply to. If you are still very undecided, you should make sure that your choices can accommodate any of your possible career paths. One warning - sometimes those huge books of college information are not completely up to date. You should contact the Admissions office of any prospective colleges to make sure that they really offer the programs you are interested in.

    While you are in school, pay close attention to how much you like the courses related to your main course of study. Sometimes, people find out that they are more exited by the subject in a random elective, and they switch majors to pursue this new course. If you are going to do that, do it early, so you have a better chance of getting out on time.

    Internships over the summer should be related to your major. Not only does this give you a better resume when it comes time to look for the ';real'; job after school, but it gives you a glimpse into what life will be like until you retire. Academia is very different from Work! Try not to work at the same place more than one summer, even if they want you back, because you should experience a variety of work-cultures while you have the chance.

    Everyone should have the chance to love their work. Let yourself change your mind if what you set out on originally isn't turning out well. The right career is the one that motivates you to become your best person.How can students have a clearer vision of the career path they want to pursue?
    As a school counselor, I would first recommend that you visit the person like me on your campus. We have unlimited resources and are more than happy to help you find a variety of careers that interest you. We have specialized 'tests' (don't worry, these are impossible to fail) that use your answers to comply a list of possible careers you might enjoy according to your hobbies, personality, talents, social life, and abilities. Next, I would visit people who actually work in the careers you are interested in. Many schools have what is called 'job shadowing' where you follow around an employee for a day or two who already works in the field you like. Write a list of questions to ask them about their work, their likes and dislikes, how they decided to work in this area, etc. Keep an open mind. There may not be just one career that you will stay at the rest of your life, like your parents and grandparents may have done.
    Try out as many areas as you can, get jobs and internships in different areas. Volunteer in jobs that sound interesting to you, interview people who do them. Research how much schooling each requires. There are books like What Color is Your Parachute that can point you in the right direction. You can talk to school counselors that also have career placement tests which you can take. Most of all, experience what you are interested in before you spend a bunch of energy working toward it :)
    There are a few different approaches to this but I'll give the best I know of.

    Think of the things you really like to do in your spare time. Do you like to work with your hands? Do you have a way with words? Do you have a fascination about a particular job? Write down the things that capture your attention the most. For me I have been a people watcher all of my life as well as an avid reader. I realized that I have a way with words that many don't have. I am now a freelance writer and working on my first novel.

    Follow your natural inherent talents. Unless, of course, you want to be miserable in your working career.
    Look at what you like to do most(hobbies). Then see the skills you have learnt over the years. Kneel down and ask Heavenly Father/God to tell you the answer. The thing u r most confident and happy with after praying is what you need to pursue. Remember our desires may not always be fulfilled. The best is what God tells us.
    they should pursue a field that

    they like doing to limit the stress

    level. good luck all.
    The most important piece of advice in this article follows this sentence, so please make note of it and repeat it to yourself as often as you need as you read this article and make decisions regarding choosing a major in college. Are you ready for it? The advice: Don't panic.

    I know it's easier said than done. Choosing a major, thinking about a career, getting an education -鈥?these are the things college is all about. Yes, there are some students who arrive on campus and know exactly their major and career ambitions, but the majority of students do not, thus there is no need to rush into a decision about your major as soon as you step on campus.

    And guess what? A majority of students in all colleges and universities change their major at least once in their college careers; and many change their major several times over the course of their college career.

    This article is all about giving you some pointers and direction -- some steps for you to take -- in your journey toward discovering that ideal career path for you. But it is a journey, so make sure you spend some time thinking about it before making a decision. And don't be discouraged if you still don't have a major the first time you take this journey...your goal should be narrowing your focus from all possible majors to a few areas that you can then explore in greater depth.

    Please also keep in mind that many schools have double majors, some triple majors, and most minors as well as majors.

    Which brings me to the last piece of general advice before you begin your journey: your major in college is important for your first job after graduation, but studies show that most people will change careers about four or five times over the course of their lives -鈥?and no major exists that can prepare you for that!

    The first stop on your journey should be an examination or self-assessment of your interests. What types of things excite you? What types of jobs or careers appeal to you? If you are not sure, start the process at Quintessential Careers: Career Assessment. Also, many, if not all, college career centers have a variety of self-tests you can take to help you answer some of these questions.

    The second stop on your journey is an examination of your abilities. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What kind of skills do you have? You can begin this self-examination by looking at the courses you took in high school. What were your best subjects? Is there a pattern there? What kinds of extracurricular activities did you participate in while in high school? What kinds of things did you learn from part-time or summer jobs? While you can only do part of it now, you may want to skim through our article, Using a SWOT Analysis in Your Career Planning.

    The third stop on your journey involves examining what you value in work. Examples of values include: helping society, working under pressure, group affiliation, stability, security, status, pacing, working alone or with groups, having a positive impact on others, and many others. Again, a visit to your college's career center should help. You can also check out our Workplace Values Assessment for Job-Seekers, which examines what you value in your job, your career, and your work.

    The fourth stop on your journey is career exploration. The University of California at Berkeley offers Career Exploration Links 鈥?Occupations, which allows you to explore a general list of occupations or search for a specific occupation and provides links to resources that give you lots of information about the occupation(s) you choose. There are many schools that offer similar ';what can I do with a major in鈥?'; fact sheets or Websites, but one of my favorites is at Ashland University. You can also learn more about various occupations, including future trends, by searching the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook. You can find all these resources -- and more -- at Quintessential Careers: Career Exploration Tools.

    The fifth stop on your journey is the reality check. You need to honestly evaluate your options. Do you really value physicians and have an interest in being a doctor, but have little skills in science? Does your occupation require an advanced degree, but your future commitments preclude graduate study? Do you have a strong interest in the arts, but your family is convinced you will become a CPA like your father? There are often ways to get around some of the obstacles during the reality check, but it is still important to face these obstacles and be realistic about whether you can get around them.

    The sixth and final stop on your journey is the task of narrowing your choices and focusing on choosing a major. Based on all your research and self-assessment of the first five stops on your journey, you should now have a better idea of the careers/majors you are not interested in pursuing as well as a handful of potential careers/majors that do interest you. What are the typical majors found at a comprehensive university? Visit Quintessential Careers: College Majors for a listing of the typical college majors.

    What are some other resources for helping you get more information about a major and/or a career?

    Take advantage of:

    Your college's course catalog -鈥?you'll be amazed at the wealth of information you can find here鈥rom required courses to specialized majors and tracks.

    Your professors, including your academic adviser -鈥?talk with your professors, whether you have taken a class with them or not鈥any of them have worked in the field in which they teach and all are experts about careers and career opportunities.

    Your classmates, especially upperclassmen -鈥?these are the folk who are deep into their major, perhaps already having had an internship or gone through job interviews...use them as a resource to gather more information.

    Your college's alumni -鈥?unless your college was just founded, your school probably has a deep and varied group of alums, many of whom like to talk with current students鈥o use them as a resource to gather more information about careers.

    Your family and friends -鈥?there's a wealth of information right at your fingertips. Next time you go home or call home, ask your family about majors and careers.

    Your college's career center -鈥?almost always under-appreciated, these folk have such a wealth of information at their fingertips that it is a shame more students don't take advantage of them鈥nd not just in your senior year 鈥? start visiting in your first year because most have resources for choosing a major and a career, as well as internship and job placement information.

    There are also a number of books that you may find useful, including:

    How to Choose a College Major, by Linda Landis Andrews (VGM Career Horizons).

    The College Board Guide to 150 Popular College Majors , by Renee Gernand (College Entrance Examination Board).

    The College Majors Handbook: The Actual Jobs, Earnings, and Trends for Graduates of 60 College Majors, by Paul E. Harrington and Thomas F. Harrington (Jist Works).

    Major Decisions: A Guide to College Majors , Richard A. Blumenthal and Joseph A. Despres (Wintergreen/Orchard House).

    Major in Success: Make College Easier, Beat the System, and Get a Very Cool Job , Patrick Combs (Ten Speed Press).
    If students want a clearer vision of the career paths they want to pursue, the first thing they need to do is be realistic.

    Just because they are interested in Topic A today, doesn't mean they will be interested in it tomorrow. Is this something they can focus on long term? Most students choose a subject because the ends appear to justify the work they have to do to obtain it. However, once the reality sets in, a sense of overwhelment or boredom can make the ends seem ridiculous for the amount of work required.

    As an example: When I started college, out of ten of my close friends seven were engineering majors. They all wanted to make ';big bucks'; in a stable career. However, once the classload, the cost of studies, the internships and the extracurricular activities were assigned to them, only two were able to finish and obtain degrees in an engineering field.

    Recognizing one's own reality is the first step in determining what kind of future will be worth pursuing.
    Think back to how you found your career. That's a tough question. Some find their career path just by working at a job they like and therefore, moving up in that company.

    Speaking in terms of college, one has to have a good idea as to what type of studies and skills are expected for a specific career. I have heard people say the word ';lawyer'; for example and say ';yeah, I'd like to do that. Being in the legal field myself, I can tell you that law is not glamorous and you have to love it to work with it. My point is for one to truly comprehend what it is they will be studying and how it is applied. A good idea for those about to leave HS, is a selection of careers on paper and their most basic requirements and study courses. Perhaps touring companies where peope are doing the jobs they desire.
    i think the first step is knowing your interests, secondlythey have to figure out fromthat what they are willing and wanting to put the most time and effort into;thirdly, they need to ask themselves can they see themselves doing this job for several years. they need to ask god and go to prayer over the matter, and they need support. If there is a no to any of these than they need to find a different carrer field
    Think about the classes, subjects, professors or jobs you've had, and which made you feel like, ';Yes!'; when you understood something, or were challenged by something, or discovered something you never knew. If you follow these kinds of signs, I think you're more likely to get lucky enough to find something that could be a passion for you; that you have the skill or could gain the skill to be good at; that you'd do for free because its so fun or you love it; and get paid for it, too. Getting paid for something you'd do anyway, and or something you believe passionately in, is so awesome it almost feels illegal (: Trust me. It rocks. Good luck.
    In my opinion you must determine where your interests are. After that determine what jobs are out there that pertain to your interests and what do you need to do in order to gain the skills needed in order to work in that field.

    I wish you success in your chosen career.
    I feel that the best way to have a clearer vision of the career path is to try everything. See what you like, and what you don't. Take different classes as a freshman (in college) to see what interests you, and what makes you fall asleep.
    By taking advantage of all the resources out there available to you. Many of them are listed in the answers posted by others. The most important thing, however, is creating a plan and strategy that will help you move along your path at the same time you define it. You can do one or all of the things below, but the better you plan and use your resources, the more successful you'll be.

    - Visit your career services center now.

    Take advantage of personality and interest tests to help define ';possible'; career paths, and then use online or print resources to research those that sound interesting. And keep using career services throughout your entire college years!

    - Listen to your heart. Those things you love to do, to learn about, and to experience are your best clues to potential (and successful!) careers.

    - Start getting experience as early as you can. Even if you work for free (hey, you define how many hours a week!) you're going to learn more than you could in a class alone. If you can manage to get three (or more) internships before graduation, you'll be in good shape.

    - Learn the challenges to getting your dream career. Talk to alumni who are out there in the field now. Find out about competition for jobs, extra schooling, the pros and the cons to decide if it's worth it.

    - Don't let money or an abundance of jobs in a particular field lead you down the wrong path. People have followed unusual and ';not practical'; career paths and succeeded both in happiness and money. They had passion and drive to succeed and to do anything it took to get that dream job.

    Good luck to you!

    Michelle Watson Gellas

    Table salt to clear paths?

    Is it OK to use table salt instead of rock salt to clear paths?Table salt to clear paths?
    I have done it and yeah it works, but it takes alot of salt!!!Table salt to clear paths?
    It is OK, except for your wallet. If you have fertilizer, that will work too and will not kill plants adjacent to the path.

    I was in New Orleans in the 50s, when it snowed for the first time in almost 70 years. There was no rock salt available, so the streets were cleared with table salt. A couple of inches of snow managed to cripple the city.
    Yes table salt works well, but it take a lot %26amp; because of that, it's impractical. Rock salt is better.
    It is okay, it just takes so much more because it is so fine.
    Sure, but rock salt is better and you can buy it in bulk.
    i am a salt-aholic and that would be a shameful waste

    so although it works, please don't commit that foul
    yes, in a pinch

    just not as effective and takes more

    Steer clear through the waves of mischief by boats of deliverance, turn away from the path of dissension?

    A ship is safe at harbour....but that is not what great ships were built for.

    Sail the stormy waters!Steer clear through the waves of mischief by boats of deliverance, turn away from the path of dissension?
    Do-dah, do-dah ....Steer clear through the waves of mischief by boats of deliverance, turn away from the path of dissension?
    Humans are to full of human nature and to argumentative to admit it!
    what are u are talking about.?!!

    where is the queastion?!!
    What should I do???

    Daniel Boone cleared a path through the Cumberland gap that came to be know as the__________.?

    I need homework help so if u dont know please dont answer.Daniel Boone cleared a path through the Cumberland gap that came to be know as the__________.?
    It was part of the Wilderness Road.

    The Wilderness Road was the principal route used by settlers to reach Kentucky for more than fifty years. In 1775, Daniel Boone blazed a trail for the Transylvania Company from Fort Chiswell in Virginia through the Cumberland Gap into central Kentucky. It was later lengthened, following Native American trails, to reach the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville. The Wilderness Road was steep and rough, and could only be traversed on foot or horseback. Still, thousands of people used it. In 1792, the new Kentucky legislature provided money to upgrade the road. In 1796, an improved all-weather road was opened for wagon and carriage travel. The road was abandoned around 1840, although modern highways follow much of its route.Daniel Boone cleared a path through the Cumberland gap that came to be know as the__________.?
    Since some of my ancestors walked on it...I had better know LOL. It was The Wilderness Road.
  • thinning hair
  • Does the Statist consider the judiciary his clearest path to amassing authority because through it he can.....?

    proclaim what the law is without effective challenge or concern with the fleeting outcome of an election cycle?Does the Statist consider the judiciary his clearest path to amassing authority because through it he can.....?
    Yes and no

    The bourgeois state is an instrument that upholds the political dictatorship of the capitalist class. Even as a matter of law, the bourgeoisie reserves the right to sweep aside basic constitutional protections and procedures when it perceives “a clear and present danger” (in the words of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes) to its fundamental class interests.Does the Statist consider the judiciary his clearest path to amassing authority because through it he can.....?
    To a point. Even though the law is malleable, it cannot be broken.

    I won the the freelotto lotory but they stand my status as pending what with the path to adopt to clear cheque

    You don't get anything for nothing, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.





    .Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft www.identity-theft.org.uk the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful.I won the the freelotto lotory but they stand my status as pending what with the path to adopt to clear cheque
    IT IS A SCAM...do not send them any of your information!! They will use it to clear out your bank account. DO NO send them information!I won the the freelotto lotory but they stand my status as pending what with the path to adopt to clear cheque
    Sorry friend. But this is the biggest scam going around. Don't do it. You won jack ****. They will ask for your credit card no. and then if you give it to them, they will take your money.

    I won the lottery too. But I didn't give them my cc no. and guess what, I never recieved my lottery win.

    If you win, you win. Think about it. Why do you have to give your credit card no. over to get your winnings.

    Don't reply to their emails and in time they will get the picture and stop sending these reminders to you.

    Google free lottery and you will see others who have been scammed.

    Is the path to that little scarlet heart of yours clear? or full of obstacles and obfuscations?

    not yet, still full of obstacles and obfuscations :) :) :)Is the path to that little scarlet heart of yours clear? or full of obstacles and obfuscations?
    I'm quite a complex person anyway....and you would undoutedly have a fight on your hands trying to get through those obstacles, that i know you wish to remove, and make the way clear.Is the path to that little scarlet heart of yours clear? or full of obstacles and obfuscations?
    No one can figure me out. I can't even figure myself out sometimes.
    i think the path is fairly clear but then i am older, wiser than i have been at any other point in my life and also know that i won't settle
    The path to my heart is clear and smooth...but i guess the path once someone is in my life is full of obstacles (i have lots of problems in my life!)....
    ---I have feeling your opinion is the only one that matters in the end.....but to be honest with you my healthy heart is clear ; but only for a true knight in shining Armour. Any obstacles he may face in his gallant effort will be himself tripping over his own two feet !

    Is the Bush Machine clearing the path for Jeb in 2012?

    All the competition is being swept asideIs the Bush Machine clearing the path for Jeb in 2012?
    I really don't think so Chris. BUT then again, their blatant arrogance has never ceased to amaze me before. Honestly, I think the agenda in the last Bush administration was so successful that I don't think they need another Bush in the White House. The ball is already rolling and they know we'll be hard pressed to stop it.Is the Bush Machine clearing the path for Jeb in 2012?
    I think if we had 3 Bush family members in 3 decades it would just prove that in this nation of 300 million there is really no democracy. Having that many people come from the same family would prove that politics in the US are, at least to some degree, a matter of dynasty, rather than a matter of democracy.
    Heck No. The Bush machine is broken down. It needs repair and oil badly. The gears are stripped and the machine will not operate effectively with Jeb behind the control sticks. So the Bush Machine is being scrapped. Metal sold for a high price and will soon be placed once and for all underneath a crusher.
    Probably.But Bush Sr. was never trusted much by conservatives -hence his loss.Then they gave us Dubya Dubya which really killed off Jeb's chances.People forget that even the Bush's were dismayed by Jr's. win - knowing that Jeb's chance was lost forever.

    The famed right unity is shattered and the infighting over the next election is going to be horrendous - with the far right Demanding a strict conservative - which will fully destroy any chance at the party coming together.

    Either the far right or the moderates are probably going to with hold their support this time around.
    we do not need another Bush in the white house for two reasons

    one the family history of support of Nazi Germany


    and the family ties to the Bin Laden family

    that is a funny and scary question - Excellent work

    i dont know, neither does anyone else but the bush family, the bin laden family and the 12 owners of the federal bank
    If so, I am clearing the path for my move to Canada!

    I am so disgusted with Bush's that when I see my wifes' bush, I get angry and frustraited and can't have sex.
    God I hope not. We need no more progressive era presidents leading us down the road of compassionate conservatism again. Tax and spend government is a liberal theme.
    I doubt that even a party as pathetic and ignorant as the Republicans are would dare to place another Bush on the ballot.
    You mean the Rove machine don't you?
    May God have mercy on us all. NO NO NO NO NO NO
    Just like the Chicago machine did for Obama.
    He is trying pretty damn hard, but the name Bush shall live in infamy forever, So there's no chance.

    Im voting Libertarian if they are...
    awwww that's so cute you are still talking about bush

    how is nancy pelosi doing you feel the tingle
    I think W pretty much blew the engine and the tranny on the Bush Machine.
    Powerful isn't it.
    If so, Obama wouldn't have to campaign too hard to win!
    Nah Don't Think So
    We have Walt Mart for that

    What is the Law on clearing snow on your path?

    What does the LAW say about clearing your path and footpath.

    I have heard a lot of comments about removing snow from your path. i.e. if someone falls you can get prosecuted.

    I know people tend to exaggerate and repeat what others have said to look smart. But what is the real truth behind this.

    Please if you can give your answers with evidence if possibleWhat is the Law on clearing snow on your path?
    Your skeptisism is well placed. They misinformation about this issue is reflected in the answers. bardic is broadly correct, 'Isitme' is just talking boll*cks - and you can't get prosecuted under the OLA 1957, it is a civil only matter.

    The simple answer to your question is: no.

    But you must differentiate between public and private land.

    The legal obligation to maintain footways/pavements rests upon the highway authority (public roads) or the occupier (private premises).

    It is settled authority (in the UK) that the presence of snow/ice does not render a road or pavement being in disrepair. It's presence is not actionable. Anyone who says otherwise is not a lawyer or not a lawyer you should instruct.

    On private land, the OLA 1957 appleis and the wording has been set out in earlier answers. BUT, and this is the important bit, in clearing the snow, you have not (and CANNOT) assume legal responsibility for the pavement and you have not rendered yourself liable if it is private premsies.

    Your friends may be, like some of the answerer's here, under the misapprehension that a lawyer can sue them for clearing a a path of snow, but they are sadly misinformed.

    Probably too much Daily Mail reading. A mine of misinformation, prejudice and simple lies.What is the Law on clearing snow on your path?
    The real truth is that under English law (and possibly Scottish law) the occupier has ';a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is invited or permitted by the occupier to be there';.

    The test applied is ';reasonable';. If your path is covered in snow it is reasonable to expect that any visitor should see this and expect it to be slippery. You should not do anything to the public footpath, that is not your responsibility and you should not interfere with it.

    You're right to have doubts about some of the current crop of hysterical ';sue everybody'; misrepresentations of the truth.
    The simple answer to your question is that there is no law on clearing snow from your footpath. Do it, don't do it, it's your footpath.

    Someone slipping will not render you criminally liable and, despite numerous Daily Mail type claims, no one has ever cited a case to my knowledge where civil liability arises from someone slipping.

    I can't give evidence of a law which doesn't exist but would say that neither of the OLAs cover snow.
    The Occupiers Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984 state that action has to be taken to afford visitors safe passage.

    Prosecutions under the acts are extremely rare though.

    With regards to public footpaths, under the Highways Act 1980, you can claim against the council, but ONLY if you've previously obtained a court order telling them the path needs clearing. It's neglect of the court order you take action against.
    If you want a clear and precise answer you would at least have to state what COUNTRY you are talking about.

    ANY answer you got without this information is a guess.

    A couple notes. very unlikely you would be prosecuted. Injury due to negligence is a tort - a civil law issue not criminal in the US and likely in many other countries as well. Any tort law issues would be subject to the country and local area as well as local court precedence.
    I think ';isitme'; is correct. Snow is a danger, so the occupier has the duty to remove and make safe the pavement.
    The short answer is there isn't any specific law or regulation.

    What there is, is the possibility of being sued should someone suffer an accident for which you are partly or wholly responsible, the outcome of which would be based on the balance of probabilities.

    So someone slips on your path and breaks an arm, we'll say. If you had done nothing to clear the snow they might argue that you had a duty to clear the snow as it presented an obvious hazard, you would argue that it was obvious the path was slippery and the person should have taken more care. Further arguments could be about the practicality of clearing the path, the ongoing weather, etc. etc. It would be a toss up as to whether you were found liable and to what extent, but the probability is that you would not be found liable.

    Had you cleared the path and the uncovered surface had iced over then the person might well claim that they had expected you had properly cleared the path and salted it to stop icing. It might well be found that such an expectation was reasonable and your lack of attention is more the cause than the persons inattention, but again the probability is that you would not be found liable, however this is the UK so no-one can really judge the outcome in such cases.
    as i know it if u clear the snow/ice away from your path/outside your house on the pavement then if someone falls etc then you can be sued for it but if you leave it where it is and they trip then the person can do nothing about it.

    i'm afraid i know nothing on the actual law side of things tho, try googling the subject and see what you come up with
    It is true, you can sue someone if you have fallen over and hurt yourself, if they have in any way disturbed the snow. That's why teachers have to be careful at school.

    It is best just to leave the snow unless it is vital that your path or drive is cleared.
    Nobody is legally responsible for the weather , if it were otherwise people could sue Government because they got wet while walking in the rain . Salt gritting is nothing more than complimentary service there is no legal requirement and no obligation whatsoever . The individual is charged with a duty to conduct themselves in a safe manner at all times .
  • thinning hair
  • If you get a load of snow do folk still clear there neighbours paths as well as ther own?

    I mean if you have elderly folk next door or anyone that needs help. The age of chivalry and all that.If you get a load of snow do folk still clear there neighbours paths as well as ther own?
    I would. Sometimes though when offering help to anybody these days they are very rpoud and often dont 'want' my help!! xx One can only try heh?

    Every morning with out fail my 65 year old neighbour pours bleach water down her path an on to the road, she even cleans the road outside her house! Now you have made me think- maybe the next time i do mine, i will do hers too! Thank you for making me think! xx I would like to think when i am older the younger ones will look after me!! xxIf you get a load of snow do folk still clear there neighbours paths as well as ther own?
    Well, where I live there isn't that much snow.

    But I would if there was any point!

    I help elderly people out whenever I can, I do one of my neighbours shopping for her because she is in a mobility scooter, and although she can use it, she doesn't like it and s scared of youths in the area.

    Another elderly man that lives near me is too independent and won't accept any help from anyone, but at least I offer. Which is a lot more than most people in my age range do.

    Sorry, I went completely off topic there! Good question though, its nice to hear your father thinks of others.
    Last week we got snow. My husband shoveled our driveway, and then went next door and asked the neighbor if she'd like him to do her walk and driveway. She has MS. So yes, Chivalry is not dead.
    Yes Mrs
    I'm from New Hampshire. My uncle still plows half of the driveways in our neighborhood, which to me is even more chivalric, as it costs gasoline and loads more time.
    Where I live (Nova Scotia, Canada), neighbours used to help one another shovel when I lived in the city. Especially we would help any elderly or disabled neighbours. when I was on maternity leave, I don't think I shovelled that whole winter - someone was always there to help.

    My next-door neighbour and I shared a driveway and whoever was out first would shovel the whole thing.

    Now that I live in a rural area, our neighbours are farther away, and so we always do our own driveway. The older folks who live nearby have someone down the road plow with his ATV.
    We always helped our neighbors, wether they were elderly or not, and I can't believe that people have lost that virtue. I agree that there are those that have little regard, but they have a self hate nature. Did you ever see a well dressed person stop, roll up their sleeves and help someone, yes I have, but I also have seen someone put their cigarette out in their food plate in a restaurant, as if to say, '; I can't eat the rest of this,but I don't want anyone else, even their dog, to have it'; I have seen people on a welfare line taking food they won't eat, throw away, but will deny it to a needy person, that would have used it wisely, and perhaps did not receive it because they just run out.
    hi when we lived in the town yes Hugs
    Yes, absolutely. Or at least I should say my son does.
    I don't even clear my own path, just wait until it melts. However, if I had an elderly neighbour (some may actually call me elderly) I would in case of falls etc.
    UK reply.

    It used to be that you always cleared the pavement outside your house, everyone did it.

    Now with the compensation lawyers jumping on the ';where there's blame - there's a claim'; bandwagon the advice is don't clear your pavement because if someone falls over and breaks a leg you will end up in court!

    Sad world we now live in!
    My mum has neighbours who last time it snowed really deep, they came and cleared her paths for her and then they went off and did other elderly neighbours, I thought it was really kind of them, we are lucky to have really great neighbours where she lives.
    Do they bollocks!
    We ARE the elderly folk round here !!! All our neighbours are younger than us.
    We live in a very rural part of Idaho. We take our tractors and clear our neighbors driveways. We pull anyone out who is stuck. We make sure our neighbors, abled bodied, elderly, or mom's with children are OK.

    If the snow gets really bad, people with snowmobiles will check on people in person, or via phone, take orders, and run to town (8-20 miles away) and pick up needed items, like milk, diapers, formula, medication, food, ect.

    This is a great area to live as everyone really watches out for everyone else to make sure they are safe.

    I applaud your Dad. That is WONDERFUL that he is still physically able to do that. If he does not already have them, please concider buying him a set of ';yak tracks.'; They are chains that go on the bottom of your boots. Just like putting chains on car tires, they give you a lot more bite when walking on snow and ice, and you are less likely to fall. I love mine.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years
    I remember last year when we had snow, the driveway from Smythe Hall to the village road was covered, so I had my manservant Cuthbertson sweep it, okay so he was 92 at the time, but it is no excuse for laziness, it took him the better part of 5 hours to do it, it was only a half mile long. Well he complained, not so much for doing mine, but he objected to doing my chum 'Sniffy' Blenkinsops. Damned inconsiderate if you ask me, it wasn't as though he had to walk into the village, I told him he could have the use of Lady Agatha's bicycle. Well by the time he returned, it was well past 8 o'clock and I was waiting for my evening gin and tonic, in fact it was nigh on 30 minutes I had to wait. Things will have to change around here and no mistake, I wont tolerate idleness from the staff, any more of it and he goes. And before people start to criticise me, I have, at my own expense, telephoned the local Salvation Army for them to take him in, and guess what, no body wants him, so if there is anyone out there who wants a 93 year old layabout you can have him ( you will have to collect, I'm not paying his bus fare.)

    p.s. He has no pension as I have blown it on a couple of blonde popsies down in Soho.
    Sometimes the good you do does no good. If you remove snow from someone elses sidewalk, and someone slips and falls, you could be sued for not doing a complete enough job.
    Yes help in any way we can .
    Whats snow?.....

    I thought that was just a fairy tale for kids.....


    Friday, February 19, 2010

    How can i clear up bright red semi-gloss wood/metal paint off my garden path.about half a pint spilled.help!?

    its right in the traffic area to my back door and is now dryHow can i clear up bright red semi-gloss wood/metal paint off my garden path.about half a pint spilled.help!?
    it depends on the surface it spilled on.

    If it's concrete it becomes dificult but not impossible. start wit paint thinner and get tt as clean as possible. then let it dry and finish with a wire brush (atatchments for drills or other power tools will make this easier and faster)

    If it's in the dirt just scoop up the top layer of dirt with the paint.

    If it's paving stones just clean as best you can and then turn the stones over.

    If it's wood you will need to sand and refinish.

    Hope this helps, Good luck.How can i clear up bright red semi-gloss wood/metal paint off my garden path.about half a pint spilled.help!?
    Paint thinners are going to make a mess. If it is concrete then the best thing to do is rent a power washer and slowly blast away the paint, being careful not to let the blast of the wand stay too long in one location or it may pit or damage the path. Good Luck!

    All Quiet on the Orient Express - by Magnus Mills.

    They paint the entire path the colour that they spilt because it was easier than cleaning it up.
    If it is flag stones turn them over other wise it will be hard to get off. The paint will have soaked into the concrete and bonded to the path.
    Get scraping and pour some paint remover on it or use a blow heater paint remover to soften it up
    If your path is paving slabs you could turn them over......or....

    perhaps you could paint the whole path with red flooring paint.
    Use terps and a scraper.

    Or you could draw the shape of a man lying down with a walking stick round it in white tape.
    If its dry then I think you've had it. You'll just have to wait for it wear away gradually over time.

    Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?

    Or did you have to get the missus to do it,like i had to.Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?
    I had to do it,.....i kinda had fun doing it though cause i threw it at my dog and he loved trying to catch it, jumping around like a giant puppy dog.Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?
    No the gritter did the road as it is a bus route ,, side roads don't get done at all, neither do pavements anywhere ,, Only at shopping parade , I remember in the old days everyone cleared their own fronts so you could walk from one end of the road to the other with no trouble .. The younger ones did the paths for the older ones . There was a sense of community then ,, people helped each other ,, Absolutely no one ,, not here anyway has cleared their pavement in front of their houses. Trodden down to hard ice now . .. Sad the way our senses of social responsibility have deteriorated over the years , People have no time for anyone but themselves . Well done to your missus though .
    South Lanarkshire pavements have not been cleared by the council anywhere we have had snow and ice for 5 days now never mind in front of my house,we have to walk on the road to get anywhere, what do we pay council tax for? When walking past our Local councillors house what a surprise her paths were clear. We do have salt buckets near the house but they have not been filled for the past 4 weeks.

    my street is like an ice rink!! V.hard to get the car in and out of the street too

    the council really aren't bothered about these areas....but outside the town hall and council offices have been completely cleared and gritted since day 1!!!
    Well, some townships are now requiring the owners of property or businesses to be responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to there property
    To get your paths cleared you have to be a councilor ,or live in their posh area as they are the only ones to get done by the council.
    Clearing it yourself, though admirable, can be a bad plan. If someone slips on an area you have cleared they can blame you for thier slip....expensive damages etc.
    They cant clear their paperwork nevermind the snow and ice!
    No the snow is still there.
    they have cleared the road, but left the footpath in places it is like a skating ring
    My local council ahven't even cleared it from the road in front of my house..

    Never mind the path!

    What is name for the guy with the machetei that clears a path through the jungle?


    Or whatever name a guy with a machete wants to be called!What is name for the guy with the machetei that clears a path through the jungle?
    a machetero, or maybe pointman.

    depends who your withWhat is name for the guy with the machetei that clears a path through the jungle?
    he could be the tracker, since the tracker is the one that finds the animals you are looking for, and always goes first.

    And no, I do NOT mean a democrat!
    A Trailblazer



    Guide or a Tracker
    a pioneer? im not sure
    Jason Vorheez,

    ';The brave guy that goes first.';
    the leader

    Since the ';right path'; is so clear...?

    ...Why do Christians need to use fear to make their kids fellow it?

    fire, choking, screaming, crying, anguish, suffering, torture burning and smoke for ever and ever. They even have places to scare kids by putting them in a room and abusing them for half an hour with scary images, sounds and settings, supposedly like whats gonna happen to them if they don't fellow Jesus.

    Why use fear, and not logic and reason?Since the ';right path'; is so clear...?
    because they cant use logic and reason to back themselves up, so they resort to terrorism.Since the ';right path'; is so clear...?
    Religion =/= Logic and reason.
    Because ';tis better for a ruler to be feared than loved'; fear of eternal damnation keeps everybody on the ';right path';
    Because they're afraid that if they don't scare the Hell out of their kids, they might start using their brains.
    The contradictory blend of perfect love and absolute terror seems to have the desired effect.
    Its some sort of insecurity, or else they wouldn't need to compete for converts.
    You answer your own question in your last sentence.
    ...since when do I do that?
    there is nothng fearful about eternal life, dear

    i bet your glass is always half-empty


    What can i use to keep my paths clear from ice after i have shovelled it?

    i dont have any grit because the council isnt filling them upWhat can i use to keep my paths clear from ice after i have shovelled it?
    boil a kettle and put the boiling water on the ice so that it melts. or you could buy cat litter and sprinkle it on to the ice - this works just as well :)What can i use to keep my paths clear from ice after i have shovelled it?
    Depending on where you are and what your particular resources might be, this may or may not be helpful.

    You can go to Home Depot, Lowes, whatever kind of huge construction-style store that you may live near, and by a 50 pound bag of sand. Just sand. Out here, it's quite cheap, though admittedly being in the Southwest, it's also fairly abundant.

    But if you can get some, just spread it around on your paths. It will go a bit toward keeping ice off, and if nothing else, definitely gives everyone a better grip on the soles of their boots. I'm speaking fairly confidently because I want to school at Northern Arizona U. in Flagstaff, AZ. They never used salt or constant scraping, just sand and ciders (which were also incredibly abundant).

    By the way, when you lay the sand, you do not need to do more than a a moderate dusting. Don't make winter-sandbox.

    Hope that can help you out, good luck in the snow!
  • thinning hair
  • Will you choose a path thats clear...?

    Will you choose Freewill?

    MQ:What is your favorite Rush song in the 80's?Will you choose a path thats clear...?
    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice....

    MQ: AnimateWill you choose a path thats clear...?
    My friend was convinced Billy Joel was a brilliant lyricist... I was like, are you serious? And printed off the lyrics to Freewill... it was pretty funny.

    MQ: It's hard to decide... maybe Limelight? That was another one I gave her...

    How do you clear recent destination paths in WinRar?

    Please show me how to get rid of the highlighted:


    (the black stuff on white, of course)

    Thank you in advance.How do you clear recent destination paths in WinRar?
    Run the registry editor (start | run program | regedit) and browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ WinRAR \ DialogEditHistory \ ExtrPath. Clear all the entries in here.

    If you don't feel comfortable doing this, I think CCleaner will do it for you - select ';WinRAR'; in the applications. (http://www.ccleaner.com/)How do you clear recent destination paths in WinRar?
    You're welcome. Happy to help :)

    Report Abuse

    Now that a massive asteroid has 'finally' formed in the asteroid belt is it likely to clear its path 'soon' 2?

    Now that a massive asteroid, Ceres 'finally' after such a 'long time' (in astronomical terms) formed 'way after' the other planets formed due to Jupiter's immense gravitational pull on clumps of asteroids, pulling them apart... is Ceres to become 'fully grown' and clear the asteroid belt within the relative amount of time it took the other inner planets to clear their orbits? After all, it's compacted to ware it's 1 rock and not a clump, and the inner rocky planets cleared their areas for millions of miles beyond their orbits.Now that a massive asteroid has 'finally' formed in the asteroid belt is it likely to clear its path 'soon' 2?
    Ceres may be the largest asteroid, but it still has a diameter of about 550 miles. The Earth could hold more than 5000 bodies the volume of Ceres, and the masses would be of similar proportions. Its gravitational effect on the surrounding volume of space is very small, and asteroids are well-spaced.

    Ceres formed about the same time as the rest of the Solar system, pretty much as it is now. It's been doing the same thing for about 4.6 billion years.Now that a massive asteroid has 'finally' formed in the asteroid belt is it likely to clear its path 'soon' 2?
    Um, Ceres has been there for quite a while, it is not new in any sense.

    Even if it does someday grow into a full fledged planet it will be long after we are all dead.
    Ceres did not 'finally' or recently form. The asteroid is probably millions or billions of years old. The existence of a planet in the apparent gap (look up Bode's Law) between Mars and Jupiter had been suspected for many years when Ceres became the first asteroid (a term meaning ';star-like'; coined because like stars they were too far away to make out a disk like the other planets in the telescopes of the day) discovered on the first day of the 19th Century (January 1, 1801.) Three more were found in the next few years, then thousands more beginning in the 1850s. In fact, according to physics calculations, no large planet could come together between Mars and Jupiter because it is prevented by Jupiter's large gravitational field spreading the small rocks into several different semi-stable Jupiter-synchronous orbits. Because of the proximity and large mass of Jupiter, the asteroids are gradually being spread out rather than coming together.

    What you may have heard is the recent ';decision'; of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to call Ceres, the largest asteroid, in fact at 974 km (604 miles) diameter larger than all the others put together, a ';dwarf planet'; rather than an asteriod in order to fill in Bode's gap, at least in nomenclature, with something called something of a planet. They ';promoted'; Ceres at the same time they ';demoted'; Pluto (diameter 2390 km or 1484 miles) from ';planet'; to ';dwarf planet';, along with defining several other recently discovered trans-Neptunian Kuiper Belt objects as such, at least one of which (Eris) is larger than Pluto.