Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?

If we had evolved as sentient horses then there would probably be little contemptuous neighing at evolution, or stamping of hoofs.

As it happens, we are primates, and our evolutionary path is complex and much disputed between experts. While there is no doubt that we evolved from an ape-like descendent almost certainly from Africa, becoming gradually bipedal and our skulls becoming more voluminous, the genus 'homo-' is not very clearly understood.

One of the problems is the lack of fossils. I read once that the complete fossil evidence of our ancestors would probably fit in the back of a pick-up truck. This is understandable because our reign has been short (as opposed to the dinosaurs, for example, that existed for over 100 million years), and only about 1 bone in a billion is ever fossilised.

Anyway, what do you think?Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?
No, I don't think so. Even without a complete evolutionary path, we do have enough to reasonably conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that we evolved, and where we evolved from.

Religious people choose not to accept evolution because their ignorant religion tells them not to. Simple as that. And no amount of evidence can change it.Do you think more people would believe in evolution if our own evolutionary path was clearer?
It's amazing we have fossils at all. Especially having near complete ones. And Christians are complaining about it not being ENOUGH? Preposterous.

Also, you can't believe in evolution. You accept it.

People who don't accept it don't do so because of missing or incomplete evidence. It's because of religious indoctrination that supposedly goes against what evolution is about.

doc, that's a funny comment. ^-^
We cannot possibly know every step of an evolutionary path,you do not need all of the fossils and in fact you will never find them all.';Homo'; is simply Human Being and you have 6.8 billion examples of them now on Earth. Evolution is simple common sense, creationism is primitive belief and unscientific
Cassie is right. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink; you can lead a fundie to science but can't make him think.
I would never ever believe that i evolved from stupid apes even if science provided evidence as clear as the day. But i can't say the very same for you.
Yes, If we knew who started the evolution process.
Maybe, but most theists would still cling to their bibles.
I think that those for whom evolution doesn't work would reject every single scrap of evidence shown to them no matter how comprehensive it may be.

Most creationists can't embrace evolution because evolution is broadly incompatible with a beliefe in God.

Which is fair enough.

In the end it shouldn't be about winning converts or undermining the belief systems of others. It should be about finding where we, ourselves, belong in terms of belief about how we got here. And granting everybody else the freedom to do their own spirituial thing in peace.

Just as long as they show the same degree of respect and don't interefere with others, of course...
It just shows that there is still no concrete scientific proof in the evolutionary sense of human comes from primate. The fact is that sometimes we wish something in order to satisfy our knowledge perception - whether it is right or wrong.

Despite years of debates of various possibilities to the answer, there is one possibility that not many scientists/biologists would like to consider: that the origin of human species never occur via the current understanding of evolution.

Maybe you would like to say that anti-evolutionism is scientifically ridicolous. But history tells us that many scientific hypothetical answers that were once considered 'heretical' are now being taken seriously.

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