Friday, February 19, 2010

Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?

Or did you have to get the missus to do it,like i had to.Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?
I had to do it,.....i kinda had fun doing it though cause i threw it at my dog and he loved trying to catch it, jumping around like a giant puppy dog.Has your local council cleared the snow from the path in front of the house?
No the gritter did the road as it is a bus route ,, side roads don't get done at all, neither do pavements anywhere ,, Only at shopping parade , I remember in the old days everyone cleared their own fronts so you could walk from one end of the road to the other with no trouble .. The younger ones did the paths for the older ones . There was a sense of community then ,, people helped each other ,, Absolutely no one ,, not here anyway has cleared their pavement in front of their houses. Trodden down to hard ice now . .. Sad the way our senses of social responsibility have deteriorated over the years , People have no time for anyone but themselves . Well done to your missus though .
South Lanarkshire pavements have not been cleared by the council anywhere we have had snow and ice for 5 days now never mind in front of my house,we have to walk on the road to get anywhere, what do we pay council tax for? When walking past our Local councillors house what a surprise her paths were clear. We do have salt buckets near the house but they have not been filled for the past 4 weeks.

my street is like an ice rink!! V.hard to get the car in and out of the street too

the council really aren't bothered about these areas....but outside the town hall and council offices have been completely cleared and gritted since day 1!!!
Well, some townships are now requiring the owners of property or businesses to be responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to there property
To get your paths cleared you have to be a councilor ,or live in their posh area as they are the only ones to get done by the council.
Clearing it yourself, though admirable, can be a bad plan. If someone slips on an area you have cleared they can blame you for thier slip....expensive damages etc.
They cant clear their paperwork nevermind the snow and ice!
No the snow is still there.
they have cleared the road, but left the footpath in places it is like a skating ring
My local council ahven't even cleared it from the road in front of my house..

Never mind the path!

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