Sunday, February 21, 2010

In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?


In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.

Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city's largest municipal union.

Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Union, told Allentown City Council Tuesday that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing Anderson to clear a 1,000-foot walking and biking path at Kimmets Lock Park.

';We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails,'; Balzano told the council.鈥?/a>

What are your feelings about this?In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?
**** the SEIU. Worthless bastards would try to intimidate a kid who was doing a public service. One boy spent over 200 hours of his own time. The union ';workers'; would have taken over 1000 man hours.

The citizens of Allentown should get together and volunteer to do all the work that those overpaid union pricks are doing. That would be a great way to save themselves a lot of tax money they're currently paying into that corrupt union.In your opinion, should the SEIU file a grievance because a boy scout cleared a path in a city park?
As all other unions which only cover less than 7% of the American work force they have entirely to much involvement in Obama's government. They are the reason the automobile industry is in trouble. They create problems instead of solving them. At one time they served a good purpose BUT they have over-stayed their good.
this is getting out of hand...we as a country need to find our way back...I am amazed that this isn't all over the dare they say their going to let this one go, as if they have the right to go after a young man trying to do the right thing...these buffoons are of the same mindset as their liberal brothers and sisters who think terrorist should be treated as a victims...

always nosnod
In my opinion, the SEIU is a criminal organization and all of its officials arrested, all of its papers and assets seized. It should be tried under RICO laws.

The denial of use of volunteers is stupid, of course. But I can't help wondering how much more the city will pay to contract with outside union workers after laying off the permanent ones. Will it really save them money?
This is complete nonsense. I think it is great that the boy scout was allowed to clear the path. The union just thinks they can strong arm the city for money and that is wrong.
I didn't read the article but I'm guessing by his age he is going for eagle scout, since he did the work for free, I really don't think they have a leg to stand on.
Sure. And it should be widely publicized to show what thugs this administration is working for. Thank God for FOX news, especially Glenn Beck.
The SEIU ought to be disbanded and those thugs placed in mental institutions where their types belong! What a bunch of thugs picking on a boy scout doing a good deed!
Unions destroy everything they touch. Look at Michigan.
Unions and their lawyers CAN be despicable.
Of course.

That's what the SEIU is FOR.
unions have become a breeding place of all kinds of trash
No they should not. It would come from a feeling that they own they park, and they certainly do not. The boy scout did a service and that's just something they have to live with. For their own sake they should not pursue this possessive and arrogant action. Public unions get more slack then private workers do, but not that much.

If the union wants to focus on what is not getting done then they should say what those things are, so that people know what the cost of the layoffs are.

With out even looking, I can see three faults with the Allentown City Council.

1) They depend on revenues other then land taxes. Land taxes are not only more stable but they also help to make the real-estate bubbles smaller. The sales tax base has caused them to have to foolishly whipsaw their labor force.

2) Layoffs during a recession are especially stupid, since it makes the recession deeper.

3) The sure sign of the coming recession was the great rise in land values. The extra monies coming in during that period should have gone to a rainy day fund, so that the damage of layoffs could be avoided.
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