Friday, February 19, 2010

Most Religions have a pretty clear dogma that one must follow to take the ';right'; path.?

Hinduism , in sharp contrast, allows for a variety of approaches to reaching its version of salvation. With this in mind, why might it make sense to say that the Orthodox position in Hinduism is also very liberal? Most Religions have a pretty clear dogma that one must follow to take the ';right'; path.?
No, Christianity and Islam have an attitude of being a universal path, applicable to all. ALL other religions I've studied are a lot more accepting of variation and difference of opinion.Most Religions have a pretty clear dogma that one must follow to take the ';right'; path.?
As a Buddhist, ';orthodoxy'; lies in opinion of the beholder as much as ';liberal'; does. Such words have connotations that are simple to confuse the person right out of their ';correct view'; socks.

What is most important is altruism, wisdom and compassion. Such terms as you've used here are simply that: words that various people grow ';attachments to'; or ';aversions';, etc.

Too much confusion can emerge from those words and their connotations.

But Hinduism does not profess to have a defnitive revelation from God. And to agree means that you explicitly reject the revelation of the Bible. So I don't think liberal or conservative can be applied in this case. More liberal than what ? Only than what is more conservative ? There is no center that is 'from God' and unchangeable. --And, again, very important, in someone aware of the Biblical revelation, either position entails a rejection of Biblical revelation.
Swami Vivekananda's Speeches

The World Parliament of Religions, Chicago

CONCLUDING ADDRESS - Chicago, Sept 27, 1893

The World's Parliament of Religions has become an accomplished fact, and the merciful Father has helped those who laboured to bring it into existence, and crowned with success their most unselfish labour.

My thanks to those noble souls whose large hearts and love of truth first dreamed this wonderful dream and then realized it. My thanks to the shower of liberal sentiments that has overflowed this platform. My thanks to this enlightened audience for their uniform kindness to me and for their appreciation of every thought that tends to smooth the friction of religions. A few jarring notes were heard from time to time in this harmony. My special thanks to them, for they have, by their striking contrast, made general harmony the sweeter.

Much has been said of the common ground of religious unity. I am not going just now to venture my own theory. But if any one here hopes that this unity will come by the triumph of any one of the religions and the destruction of the others, to him I say, ';Brother, yours is an impossible hope.'; Do I wish that the Christian would become Hindu? God forbid. Do I wish that the Hindu or Buddhist would become Christian? God forbid.

The seed is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth, or the air, or the water? No. It becomes a plant. It develops after the law of its own growth, assimilates the air, the earth, and the water, converts them into plant substance, and grows into a plant.

Similar is the case with religion. The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, nor a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth.

If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world, it is this: It has proved to the world that holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character. In the face of this evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart, and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be written in spite of resistance: ';Help and not fight,'; ';Assimilation and not Destruction,'; ';Harmony and Peace and not Dissension.';


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